Ezra Sutton

Ezra Sutton
Birthdate 9/17/1849
Death Date 6/20/1907
Debut Year 1871
Year of Induction
Teams Athletics (NA), Beaneaters, Cleveland Forest Citys (NA)
Positions Shortstop, Third Base

Ezra Sutton played in the first game in Major League Baseball history on 5/4/1871; four days later he hit the first home run in MLB history.

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In the collection:

Perhaps the finest third basemen of the 19th century, Ezra Sutton played in MLB's first game & 5 years later in the NL's first contest

Perhaps the finest third basemen of the 19th century, Ezra Sutton played in MLB's first game & 5 years later in the NL's first contest

Ezra Sutton played at baseball’s highest level just as it turned from a largely amateur game to one in which all players were paid to play. After competing in the National Association of Base Ball Players in 1869 and 1870, Sutton joined America’s first all-professional league in 1871. Pl

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"Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball…"

~Jacques Barzun, 1954